Thursday, July 31, 2008
Night Out Against Crime
Lockeland Springs Neighborhood Association, Eastwood Neighbors, Historic East End and Historic Edgefield are partnering to offer our community an evening of music and fun. The free event will be held at the intersection of 14th St. & Woodland St. on Tuesday, August 5, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. There will be live performances by area musicians, hot dogs and other refreshments, a bounce house, a visit from Fire Hall No. 14, crime prevention information booths, and plenty of good will!
The National Night Out is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Please bring your own lawn chairs to sit in; also, we will be collecting gently used children's clothes and new children's underwear/socks for donation to Cora Howe Elementary School.
The intersection of 14th St and Woodland St will be closed from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday August 5th for the National Night Out Against Crime. Cars will be prohibited from moving on Woodland St from 13th St to 15th St between 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Cars parked before 4:00 p.m. on Woodland St. will need to stay parked until after the intersection is reopened at 10:00 p.m.
Please come out, meet you neighbors, and enjoy!
Interested in being an event sponsor or volunteer? Contact Mike Loyco --- or 227-3592.
New Smoothie Shop Now Open!!

Fresh Blends Smoothie Shop in the new Shopping Center across from RosePepper!
From Tony & Kat (the Owners):
Hi everyone!
It is with great excitement and pleasure that we are finally able to send this email. Fresh Blends will open for business tomorrow (Thursday) morning! We will have a 'soft opening' on Thursday and Friday with hours of 8 - 5pm. We will then have our Grand Opening this Saturday from 8 - 5pm. The grand opening will include T-shirts, giveaways and special prizes for the first folks to pass through the doors.
We are located at: 1888 Eastland Avenue, Nashville, 37206
(across from Rose Pepper in East Nashville).
Please come and join us in celebration as we begin this new venture and feel free to pass this along to anyone you know!
Thanks for all of your support!
-Tony and Kat
Recent Increase in Robbery
There have been a dozen plus robberies in East Nashville in the last
couple of weeks. Many are concentrated in the lower East Nashville area
(Chapel/Eastland, Carter/Riverside, Golf/Greenfield, S.11th, S.12th,
Russell St., Calvin St., etc.). The suspects have approached
pedestrians, brandishing firearms - usually handguns. Usually, they flee
in a vehicle. Vehicle descriptions vary slightly from a silver Jeep
Cherokee to a white Jeep Cherokee and a beige to whitish Mercury
Marquis. If vehicles resembling these cars are seen, please report to
MPD. Numerous East Precinct resources, as in all of them, are out
looking for the suspects. Folks are being robbed while walking, leaving
their vehicles or going into their homes, so we should consider the
suspects dangerous. Tell your friends and neighbors to beonguard.
Sgt. Daniel L. Ogren
East Precinct - Community Affairs Coordinator
Metro Police Department of Nashville & Davidson County
936 East Trinity Lane
Nashville, TN 37207
615.862.7500 M-F, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tomato Art Show
Carjacker Apprehended..
Bruton's Mugshot
Last Friday night, John Bruton was relaxing by himself, masturbating in the cozy confines of his car. He had his pants and underwear pulled down, and an array of porn magazines fanned out on the dashboard.
Unfortunately, Bruton’s car was parked in front of a Kroger at 711 Gallatin Road, right near Eastland Avenue.
You would think that Bruton received the shock of his life when Metro Nashville police officer Jerry Bell walked up to the car and tapped on the driver’s side window. But according to the police report Bell filed, Bruton remained pretty calm.
The carjacker “looked at me and then pulled up his pants and underpants and placed the pornographic magazines in the vehicle’s glove box,” Bell wrote in his report. Bruton exited the car and Bell asked him to turn around and place his hands behind his back for cuffing. “No, I ain’t doing it,” said Bruton, according to Bell’s report.
The officer then forced Bruton to turn around and the two scuffled. “The defendant…grabbed a hold of the front of my uniform… We struggled, which resulted in us hitting the grocery cart bin and then falling to the ground.”
Bruton took off running down Gallatin, though he was apprehended a short time later. Today he will go to court and face charges of indecent exposure, resisting arrest, and assault.
Scource: Nashville Scene
Monday, July 7, 2008
Neighborhood Meeting
- Tuesday, July 8 7pm
- Eastwood Christian Church (1601 Eastland Ave)
- Agenda ??
East Nash Hot Spot for Lunch!
Items of Interest:
- Locally grown Veggies
- Locally Baked Goods
- A Salad Bar
- Spices & Grains(like Quinoa & Lebamese Couscous
- Many cool grocery items for you to take home

Saturday, July 5, 2008
East Nashville should totally be in Cottage Living!
I don't know if you all ever get the magazine Cottage Living, but I really would like to try and get them to cover East Nashville in their magazine. I think it would be the perfect cottage neighborhood for their readers. Right now I am working on a power point presentation to send them on East Nashville and would love to get pictures, articles , tidbits etc for that slide show.
If any of you guys are interested or have something to contribute I would love for you to email me at
Thanks so much!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
East Nash 4th of July Celebrations!
Next door to East Park, Nashville First Church of the Nazarene always has an outdoor neighborhood block party from 6PM until 10PM. They typically have watermelon, soft drinks, ice cream, blowup games for the kids, and live music---folks bring their folding chairs because the downtown fireworks can be seen from the parking lot where the activities are held (around 9:20 PM). Oh--and there is also a drawing for a big screen TV that you can register for (given away that night).
Click HERE to see the Evite
(Thanks Jan!)